A. Pinto

Abraham Pinto was born in Seville in 1976. He is a self-taught artist.  He started to refine his artistic career doing plein air competitions.
His most popular subjects are cityscapes and still-lifes, but with a unique perspective.  Abraham plays with the curvature of the plain in his compositions, transforming a city into a planet by itself.  He mixes art and mathematics in each of his paintings.
He has been in numerous exhibitions and competitions. His pieces are exhibited in public and private galleries on a permanent basis. Additionally, Pinto has been awarded with several prizes and medals.


1st Press in the Fuenlabrada Rapid Painting Contest. Madrid.

1st Prize in the National Outdoor Painting Competition Villa de Ubrique. Cadiz

1st Prize in the National Painting Competition of Nerva. Huelva.

1st Prize in the Polanco Painting Competition. Cantabria.

1st Drawing Prize in the Drawing and Painting Competition of San Pedro Regalado, Valladolid.

1st Prize in the I Outdoor Painting Competition of Villarrasa. Seville

1st Prize in the Andújar Painting Competition. Jaén

1st Prize in the Mogarraz Painting Competition. Salamanca.

1st Prize in the Painting Competition "Rincones del Recinto Ferial" Albacete.

1st Prize in the Colmenar Painting Competition. Malaga.

1st Prize in the Take painting contest. Seville

1st Prize in the Painting Competition of Sanlucar la Mayor. Seville.

1st Prize in the National Painting Competition "City of Lugo". Lugo.

1st Prize in the National Painting Competition "Marina Gómez" in Alaraz. Salamanca.

1st Drawing Prize in the National Fast Painting Competition San Pedro Regalado. Valladolid.

1st Watercolor Prize in the Painting Competition "Artespiel". Espiel. Cordoba.

1st Prize in the Painting Competition "Look at" Seville.